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Yangon (07 July) –Child rights organisation Plan International Myanmar is preparing to respond to flooding that has displaced more than 12,200 people in 41 villages across Rakhine State.
Families have evacuated to higher ground as water has reached up to four feet and rain is predicted to continue over the coming days.
Plan International Myanmar will provide life-saving food and water to displaced communities in Minbya Township, and is working in close cooperation with the local township authority.
An emergency response team has been deployed to the worst-affected areas to assess the damage. The team will also ensure children are safe and their basic needs for food, water and protection are being met.
According to Plan International Myanmar’s Business Development Manager, Enrico Rampazzo, the needs of children must be a priority for this response.
“During and after a disaster, children are particularly vulnerable, and can experience stress and have reduced access to food, water and shelter. We are committed to ensuring children are safe and protected and their families are supported during this time.”
As a leading humanitarian agency in Minbya Township, Plan International Myanmar has been working closely with communities in Rakhine State since 2013. The state is one of the most disaster-prone in Myanmar.
These floods come almost one year after flooding caused by Cyclone Komen displaced communities and destroyed homes, schools and crops in Minbya Township and across Myanmar.
After the 2015 floods, Plan International Myanmar provided life-saving food and water and supported the protection and education of children after the returned to their homes.
Spokespeople from Plan International Myanmar are available for comment and interview requests in English, Italian and Myanmar languages. For further details, please contact:
Yangon: Enrico Rampazzo, Business Development Manager Mobile:+95 (0) 9453626345Email: enrico.rampazzo@plan-international.org
Yangon: Jessica Lawson, Communications Manager Mobile: +95 (0) 044054 6905Email: jessica.lawson@plan-international.org
Yangon: Soe Moe Kyaw, Deputy Emergency Response Manager Mobile: +95 (0) 09422486835Email: jessica.lawson@plan-international.org
Bangkok: Jessica Lomelin, Regional Communications Specialist Mobile: +66 (0)96 865 7649 Email: jessica.lomelin@plan-international.org
London: Angela Singh, Global Press Officer Mobile: +44 (0) 7773 636 180 Email: angela.singh@plan-international.org
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