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ACT Alliance RRF: Support to cold snap affected people in East Romania

by Jana Schröder | https://twitter.com/actalliance | ACT Alliance - Switzerland
Tuesday, 17 January 2017 12:26 GMT

* Any views expressed in this article are those of the author and not of Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Rapid Response Fund (RRF): East Romania

The arctic conditions from the beginning of January 2017 have already claimed lives across Europe. Conditions remain tough and constitute a small-scale, local emergency in south-eastern Romania. The severe winter weather hit Romania a week ago, when it started snowing heavily and temperatures dropped consecutively to -25 degrees Celsius.

The cold snap claimed the lives of many elderly people dying of hypothermia. 40,000 are affected by the weather and cut off by the blizzards in the South and East of Romania and in need of some form of humanitarian assistance. People have been trapped inside their houses leaving many with no access to food and medicine. Furthermore, affected people have no access to safe and sufficient amount of drinking water.

ACT member AIDRom plans to carry out winterization activities in the sectors of Food Security, WASH and NFI for a period of 2 months through the ACT Rapid Response Fund requiring 34,161 USD.

For the full RRF document, please click here
