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Across South Sudan, more than 3 million people have been forced to flee their homes and nearly 7.5 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance and protection (OCHA, Humanitarian Response Plan 2017) as a result of multiple and deepening crises, including conflict, inter-communal violence, economic decline, disease, and climatic shocks, which have led to displacement, distress, destitution and death.
Monday, 20 February 2017 marked the most historic declaration of famine in parts of South Sudan, affecting mostly Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) who are dispersed and the host communities already affected by the on-going conflict. According to the Integrated Phase Classification (IPC) phase 3 and to the above report of 2017, the number of people who are already food insecure are 4.9 million (42%), out of which 100,000 are facing famine conditions. The highest proportions of populations in Crisis, Emergency and Catastrophe are observed in Unity and Northern Bahr el Ghazal (61%) and people currently facing famine or risk of famine are in Leer, Mayendit, Koch and Panyijiar in former Unity state.
ACT Alliance South Sudan Forum members, Christian Aid, DCA, DKH, FCA, ICCO-Cooperation, LWF, MCC, NCA and PRDA, as well as other ecumenical organizations of the Church under the auspices of the South Sudan Council of Churches (SSCC), are planning to respond jointly through an ACT Appeal. The key response sectors are Food Security, Nutrition, WASH, NFIs, Emergency Health, Protection & Psychosocial Support, seeds and tools. This intervention will be targeting at least 250,000 severely affected population across South Sudan.
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